
You will see it at the expert!

The past months we have been doing what we are good at; to let our lilies bloom! In our own greenhouses we have grown our lilies under 24/7 monitoring, so that we can say once again that we have a fully flowering greenhouse during the Dutch Lily Days. So if you would like to get a good idea of the new assortment cut- and pot lilies, at VWS you are at the right place!

Furthermore we will have other products in full bloom for you, such as Gladiolus, Irises, Calla lilies, peonies and yet again a wonderful tulip show with around 100 varieties fresh from the fields.



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VWS Export - Import of
Flowerbulbs B.V.

Westelijke Randweg 3
1721 CH  Broek op Langedijk
The Netherlands
+31(0) 226 331050

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