
Dates for the third Tulip Trade Event 14 - 16 March 2018

After two successful editions, the Tulip Trade Event returns in 2018. From Wednesday through Friday, March 14 - 16, eleven participants are opening their doors to local and international visitors. The growing number of participants means the organisation is following an upward trend. This is not a coincidence: tulips in the Netherlands are flowers that are ‘still growing strong’, with an acreage that is increasing slowly but surely.

‘Tulips are extremely popular,’ confirmed Joris van der Velden from Holland Bulb Market, one of the participating exporters. ‘The retail sector continues to expand every year. Tulips really provide a feeling of spring. It’s a very strong image.’ International buyers also appreciate that spring feeling. Important export markets like North America, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe are increasingly turning to the Dutch trade and the Tulip Trade Event. Countries like China, South Korea and Vietnam are making this trend even more international.

Slight growth in acreage
The greater interest is reflected in the acreage, which expands slightly each year and is now estimated at 11,800 hectares. Partly due to the positive returns achieved in the past few years, growers are very willing to invest. Bonne Boots, speaking on behalf of the new participant Boots Flowerbulbs, adds, ‘There is certainly an increase in scale. The technological innovation continues to advance as well. I think that it will not be much longer before planting and harvesting are fully automated, with a minimum of manual input.’ Other innovations are appearing: double-layer cultivation, LED lighting, ozone storage and the application of technology like robots, drones and GPS systems in the field.

Three new participants
The first two Tulip Trade Events attracted a broad public, including a large number from distant countries in Eastern Europe and Asia. For this third edition, the organising foundation is welcoming three new participants: Boots Flowerbulbs, Bot Flowerbulbs and Jansen’s Overseas. The previous participants were P. Aker, Amsonia, Borst Bloembollen, Haakman Flowerbulbs, Holland Bulb Market, P. Nelis & zoon's, Nord Lommerse and VWS Flowerbulbs. This three-day event will take place from Wednesday to Friday, 14 - 16 March 2018. More information is available at tuliptradeevent.nl


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VWS Export - Import of
Flowerbulbs B.V.

Westelijke Randweg 3
1721 CH  Broek op Langedijk
The Netherlands
+31(0) 226 331050

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