
Testing new types of gladiolus:

The following photos are from an important gladiolus breeder who planted new types of gladiolus for review. These varieties are seedlings which are selected around 3 to 4 years ago from plants that then flower for the first time. These seedlings are now flowering for the second and/or third time.

To select the best seedlings they look at the colour of the flower and the whole picture of the crop; the flower spike, length of the leaves and the ...stem. Furthermore they check the grow-strength of the tubers, the disease susceptibility, productivity in the nursery and they also check if it is a good addition to the current assortment. To make a good comparison, they have planted the current assortment next to the new seedlings. This has also been done to review the seedlings not on just their colour or productivity, but also to check their growing-speed.

The current assortment is also shown for the buyers (nursery as well as dry sale) to give them a good impression of the assortment of this breeder.



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VWS Export - Import of
Flowerbulbs B.V.

Westelijke Randweg 3
1721 CH  Broek op Langedijk
The Netherlands
+31(0) 226 331050

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